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Another 750 Words a Day Challenge..


I have just read another blog which inspired me on my own personal journey I have been on the last 6 years. Please follow this link to see where I have found this inspiration. Click Here:

So what is this blog all about today?

In words I couldnt have put better, it is about creating or learning a new productive and inspired habit that could most positively change your world and the way you view your life.

How, you ask me?  By writing everyday or in this case and I must admit a new way, by typing everyday.  A few years ago I had hit a rock bottom in my life and was admitted into hospital for “emotional” treatment for a lack of a better word. One of the sisters that looked after me gave me my first journal and told me, “write in this journal everyday.  Write whatever words come into your head at first, even if they are messed up, confused and make no literal sense whatsoever.  As time passes you will find that those words will eventually form sentences, and those sentences will form the crust of the emotional source that you need to get rid off, what better way to find a natural intimate remedy than just you, your pen and your journal, your thoughts and in so doing there you will find yourself, your answers, your personal salvage through your hands, soul and mind alone and with no interference of doctors and overbearing loved ones who are scared for you.” This woman changed my life, and hundreds of journals stacked away later I have found me again and find my purpose and I know who I am and where I am going.

In this blog I mentioned in my introduction that gave me this inspiration, the writer states this –

“I’ve long been inspired by an idea I first learned about in – The Artist’s Way – called morning pages.  Morning pages are three pages of writing done everyday, typically encouraged to be in [Long Hand Writing] which should be typically done in the morning.  This could be about anything and everything that comes into your head.  It’s about getting it all out of your head, and is not supposed to be edited or censored in any way. The idea is that if you can get in the habit of writing three pages a day, that it will help clear your mind and get the ideas flowing for the rest of the day.”

So as you see in this writers above quote, the concept I have used over all these years on my road to the strong, powerful, passionate and loving woman I am today is much the same.

In my case I used this concept to find an emotional balance and stability within myself to better my life as well as to record thoughts, memories, poetry, things people have said to me on my journey and in the mentioned writers blog I had just read they say and I quote –

This goes to show that this is a proven method to be useful and life changing.  I would go as far as to saying life saving, inspiring and a whole lot of self motivation that becomes a habit of successful, strong people who have overcome the hell’s that life consumes us in and have walked into the light without annoying intervention that we never really want in times of dire straits but by the hands of the most important person we have in our lives, it comes from your hands, your mind, your thoughts and those thoughts have the power to make you survive and overcome life.

Every day you write, you’ll get beautiful stats that analyze the feelings, themes, and mindset of your words.

: Better than meditation.

Please note that all the above

This Blog has been a true inspiration to me and I only want to be able to PAY IT FORWARD and give all due respect to the writer of this blog as I am eager to begin a new journey myself now in a new way, on these keyboards I am typing on and the screen that I look into instead of the pen and paper I am use to, to begin this forward movement out there where I can help this person inspire others with the power of words and our own minds and thoughts.

I want to thank Buster Benson.

This article is exactly what my today needed and what I need for today to spread the word.

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